Posts Tagged ‘MOBA’

Hello readers! I told you I would start doing some more posts and here I am! So today I want to tell you about this game that I found on steam a while ago. It’s called ArcheBlades and it is a MOBA (Multiplyer Online Battle Arena) game. I found it about three months ago and have watched it grow with new characters, maps and more but first lets start with the basics. The reason I enjoy this game is that it’s a fighter that you can get into really easily. There are combos that you can learn but in the beginning it’s quite nice to just jump right in and just fight some online players in a fight to the death. There are many elements that make this game just fun to play. First off are all the different game types that are available. All the game modes have different maps and all the maps have different amounts of people. The different modes include 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, Free for all, and 7v7 battles. All of these are quite fun and can accommodate any move you feel like playing. If you want to face your friend or match your skills against 1 player do 1v1, or if you would rather work with a team to capture bases to slowly accumulate points towards a win try the 7v7, or if you just want to have a giant battle royal go for the Free for all against 7 other people. Another nice thing is that the game makes it very easy to find the servers you are looking for by including many options to help narrow down your search for the perfect server. The next thing I’ll talk about are the characters. At first the characters were on a weekly basis and would rotate through. If you found a character you really enjoyed you could purchase the character with money. Now the way to get characters is to purchase them with in game money which can be earned through playing games. This is similar to IP in League of Legends. Meceta the in game currency can be purchased with money also if you wish to get a character faster. Meceta is not all that difficult to earn so getting characters isn’t too difficult. I guess that just leaves the characters to talk about. Every character is unique and there is once for every character. For instance if you would rather stay behind your team and shoot from a far you might want to try a personal favorite of mine, Renoah the Sniper. There are also melee people and mage like people that you can play as. Another unique thing that I like is that each of these characters have special abilities that they can use as you gain RP through killing enemies, taking damage, and picking up items that increase RP. Well I can’t explain too much of the game because it’s a game which is where you learn from experience. I would recommend checking this game out on Steam because it is quite fun to play. Leave me a comment and tell me what game to review next and push that subscribe button to see all future posts. As always thanks for reading and stay awesome!