Posts Tagged ‘sandbox’

Zombox-Passive Items

Posted: September 17, 2012 in Unreleased
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Hey guys sorry I haven’t been posting a lot lately its just I can’ think of anything much to post. Anyway something big happened to the game Zombox last week. A whole new section of items was added! These items are called passive and increase certain aspects of your character. There are shields, watches, lockpicks and much more. If you wan to see all of the new items check out the post at

So let me tell you about a few of these great items. One that we can really go into detail on is the shield. The shiled can be used with one handed weaons or hung on your back when you have two handed weapons. A great thing is that there are different shileds in the game that have different abilities. For instance there is a spiked shieild which causes damage to the zombies charging at you. There is also a swat team shiled which knocks zombies back to keep them from attacking. Another new item is watches with also have variety some will decrease how long it takes you to pick a lock while other decrease your cooldown time for special attacks.

The developer also added in some more upgrades which allow you to get drops from zombies. You can get HP, coins, or a health kit as of right now.

As always be on the lookout for this game because this developer is amazing and is always adding great stuff. Until next time (which hopefully won’t be long) Stay thirssty my friends. 😀

Zombox-Survival of the Squarest

Posted: August 7, 2012 in Unreleased
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Hey guys so this is going to be my first post of an unrealesed indie game. I plan to keep updating you guys up to the point it is realesed and then write about it again. Okay so this game is a zombie survival game yet with block characters. It is also a sandbox world with very few or no goals. Basically you can run around killing zombies and playing any way you want to. If you want to follow this developer on twitter his username is @zombox. While following this game I have seen many updates happen and I have actually helped shaped the game a bit with a few of my own ideas. Some or these updated include NPC’s, the ability to drive vehicles, crafting, and being able to build a shelter for yourself. This game is continually inching forward and sometimes even taking giant leaps toward being one of the coolest games ever. Not only does it constantly get better it got a shout-out from Notch himself. Like I said before I will update this with a new blog post after a few more updates happen. I would definently suggest checking this game out. If you give it five minutes of your time I feel that you will find a new most anticipating game for this year.